Poppy Dance Party Pattern Download - It's A Garden Party Row Along
12" x 30" row (without frame)
Framing fabric recommended: Northcott Naturescapes Granite : 1/6 yd - minimum order 1/4 yd
Background Fabric - Northcott Toscana Escape T-42 : Need 1/3 yd
Bunting Fabric -- choose your favorite, need 1/6 yd --minimum order 1/4 yd
Poppies: Grunge Formula 1 and Northcott Toscana Cardinal T-24 Need 3" x WOF of each - minimum order 1/4 yd
Black Centers: Northcott Ebony T-99 Need 1" x WOF - minimum order 1/4 yd
Add in comment of your order that you'd like the greenery for X # of kits based on how much yardage you have purchased. Need 1.5" x 14" for each row.