Big Bright Star Pack
Super fast and accurate! The intersections match without even trying. Beginners - have no fear! METHOD: "Flip and Stitch" - this is EASY! Just fuse, stitch, and flip for perfect matching pieces! No inset piecing! Only straight strips to cut - no angles or diamonds! Perfect intersections and beautiful points!You will love the companion product - the Fussy-cut Template (downloadable at FREE DOWNLOADS - Big Bright Star Fussy Cut Template https://media.rainpos.com/8837/big_bright_star_template_v2.pdf), which is not only great for centering a particular image in your finished diamond, but perfect for cutting 4.5" strips into 4.5" x 10.5" rectangles!FIRST TIME USERS - Purchase this "Pack" first which includes instructions and interfacing! Additional panels are available separately for more projects.Comes in a 9" x 11" pack with 8 panels of interfacing and instructions to make (1) Big Bright Star Lone Star in layouts for a Lap (58" x 58"), Twin (66" x 86"), Queen (90" x 97").