Dear friend of KISSed Quilts,
Thank you for all the prayers while my husband underwent surgery. He is on the road to recovery for which we are so grateful. This recovery will take some time, but he is progressing as expected.
We've been working on a variety of events, some are happening now and others are coming up soon and we want to be sure you know all the details.
September/October event - White Bluffs Quilt Museum Shop Hop - HAPPENING NOW! COME SEE ME!
Stop in during the White Bluffs Quilt Museum Shop Hop -- proceeds of all passport sales ($10/passport) go to support the Quilt Museum. Thru October 6, 2024 --note I am closed on Saturdays but am open extended hours Sunday - Friday 9am-5pm just for you.. You're welcomed and encouraged to place extended orders online at least one day in advance. Just choose 'pick-up' and in the check-out notes let me know when you'll be coming to the shop. Free FQ at each shop w/purchase.
Note--I'm in Grand Coulee --at the north end (top) of Banks Lake. Had a caller who couldn't find our address in Coulee City.
If you'd like to make a run early or late to our northern end of the loop, please don't hesitate to call and see if I can meet you outside my normal hours Sunday - Friday.
There are 21 stops listed in the passports.
Here is an approximate route for all the shops (I can only show 10 per map). It is over 2 weeks, so plenty of time to break this up depending upon your starting point.

New Month, New Block on the Quilt-a-long from Patterns by Jen - 2024 Monthly Color Challenge

October: Black
 The Blog Post will go up on October 8.
#SewPink, sponsored is happening as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Watch for what I created with their products on October 28 via my social media and my blog. Here are all the participants and the days they will be featured.

October - Sew-ins, Special Events and Closures
Sept 21-Oct 6 (Closed Saturdays) White Bluffs Quilt Museum Shop Hop - see details above.
Closed Saturdays
Oct 7 - Sew-in - please RSVP Oct 9 - open only in the morning. Oct 14-18 - Fall Quilt Retreat at Camp MiVoden - Hayden Lake, Idaho October 18-20 WSQ Quilt Show in Spokane, WA - Art from the Heart Oct 21 - Sew-in - please RSVP Oct 28 - Sew-in - please RSVP; Sew Pink Feature Oct 30 - open only in the morning Oct 31 - November 3 - Closed Nov 4 - Sew-in - please RSVP
Spring 2025 - Quilt Retreat
March 10-14, 2025 at Camp MiVoden on Hayden Lake, Idaho -- are you interested? Just email me back with your interest if you'd like me to put you on the list for this Spring retreat in March 2025. Details regarding deposits will be sent only to those on the list mid-October. If you've not considered attending a retreat with me before, feel free to checkout the details of the space on our event page.
TIP: Grunge is printed on died fabric, so the backside is a solid color! I'm occassionally asked if I have solids ...and I say, yes ...Black and White. But, when considering the way moda Grunge is made, I guess I have quite a few solid colors (on the backside!)
Your in-person shopping and online orders are much appreciated! Please don't miss new products shared below.

New Products
Andover - Mini Heart collection
16 SKUs, FQ set ($54.99) -- request via email
If interested in this quilt kit --limited supply (3 available at $89.99 each). Limited to only 2 pieced backings as shown to the left or choose your favorite color ($59.99). Yardage MSRP $14.25/yd -- KISSed Quilts price $12.30/yd

The colorwall that I chose many years ago is Northcott Toscana. They have come out with 25 new colors and they have started to arrive. The cost of these fabrics has gone up since I originally brought them in, but it has worked for many of you to add just the right shade of a color to your project so that you could get it done. These are currently $9.75/yd and will be through October 20 ....the price will then go up to $11.25/yd for all Northcott Toscana. Now is a great time to stock up on all the colors.

There are also a few colors that have been DISCONTINUED --so ask me which ones I've got left if you want to reserve some for your own stash.
ALREADY GONE: Citrine, Lemongrass and Mint Parfait
Maybe, in the past, you participated in our monthly club acquiring complete color sets or purchased sets in various cut sizes of the original colors. Would you like a bundle of 1/2 yard cuts ($99), 1/4 yd ($55) cuts of just these 25 new colors? Let me know via email--this is an exclusive offer shared here only.

Hope to see you or see your order soon! Thanks for reading.