Dear friend of KISSed Quilts,
I enjoyed a visit to my mom's in early March and got to meet up with Patricia Basche --the Row by Row Queen--I mean really, she has made so many quilts from various row by row designs over the years --it really is amazing! We both like to find subthemes within a year organize rows to work together for the theme. I've spoken with her several times and we are friends on social media, but had never met her in person until now. Thanks to 35th Ave Sew and Vac for hosting our meet-up and we got in on several sales too. They are carrying the new Northcott Whiskers and Wine Collection -- so pick up my Spinning Frames pattern and use your AnglePlay template A to make it up in no time!

The entire month of March was Instagram Quilt Fest #igquiltfest2024 hosted by @AmysCreativeSide. I put up a post for each daily prompt if you missed them, hope you'll check them out on I'm just a few away from having 1,000 followers, won't you help me get there and follow along? I'm also very close to having quilted 1000 Customer Quilts. Follow along as we approach that milestone. You can also follow along on
Don't miss the New Products section below! I've been able to secure several collections that will complement what I've already got, but since we haven't moved yet, I don't have space to have them in the shop. They are now online and available by pre-order, mail order or by appointment if you'd like to shop it in person. See images below in the New Products section for a peek and shop now while the prices are in their introductory low. I hope you'll love them too! Let me ship you out a package--even this week while I'm on the work bee ...I'll take a break and get your order out.
Quilt-a-long from Patterns by Jen - 2024 Monthly Color Challenge
Get a free 12" block each month. I plan to post the block I make each month and then will show the setting at the end of the year. If interested in a bundle of fabrics that will work (moda Grunge or Northcott Toscana) --just respond to this email and we'll get it put together. There are options to consider -- light/dark color blocks or a single background and color for each block. Her color inspiration this year is tropical fish like seen in this picture. All but one block will work with 1/4 yd for each color. So, let's discuss your thoughts and I can put together just the right bundle of fabric for you.
April: Blue

6 1/2" square ruler recommended - EeziGrip style available here (1 left)
Spring Quilt Retreat - Hayden Lake, Idaho -
May 6-10, 2024
Co-hosted w/Highland Quilts
Please read all the details on my events tab.
Balance due by April 15
Fall Dates: October 14-18, 2024 -- get your name on the list. Deposits will begin June 1.
Want a formal class ? -- let me know what you'd like to learn and we'll organize it!
April - Sew-ins and Closures
Closed Saturdays and thru April 5 -- note I am in town but helping out with a church workbee all week--but will take breaks to meet you by appointmentn or get your orders out!
Sew-ins April 8, 15, 22, 29 -- please RSVP
WSQ Shop Hop - April 18, 19 and 21 -- note Closed Saturday. If you're organized and want to get an early start then make your way back east towards Spokane -- make arrangements ahead of time for your own personal start time on Thursday, Friday or Sunday and I'll be excited to meet you.
If you're coming on the shop hop and would like to have your order cut ahead of the hop, select 'pick-up' and note WSQ Shop Hop on check-out.
Your online orders are much appreciated! Please don't miss new products shared below.

New Products
BIG NEWS -- I've got several new collections now available and most are only shopable via the website or by appointment as they are not housed in the shop. I'm offering these at some great prices, so please check them out and order quick before the prices go up to standard MSRP.
Hoffman 1895 at $10.90/yd

and some other Hoffman batiks and regular cottons too some as low as $8.40/yd:

Aspen Call of the Wild Panel

Michael Miller Fairy Frost at $10.69/yd and Robert Kaufman -Sugar Plum metallics at $9.99/yd(top level)
Island Batik blenders (bottom level) -- including those mushrooms!!

Northcott - look at all the shimmer at $9.99/yd! Gradations at $10.69/yd
and a few miscellaneous (lower left)
Wilmington Batiks
Measure Twice - Rulers and Buttons
Buttons and Blooms
Harvest House
Note to Self

Brand New Collection - Hearts' Anthem by Wilmington Prints
Just three Kits available at the great price of $80 - makes a perfect Quilt of Valor - includes pattern and fabric for top and binding.
Add yardage for backing ...several coordinating prints will work great.

Hope to see you or see your order soon! Thanks for reading.