Dear friend of KISSed Quilts,
My latest pattern release is Mountain Ridges. If you've got all the AnglePlay(R) templates then this will be a fun design because you use so many templates to make it. It is just a two block design. But look at those borders! Two of them use AnglePlay(R) templates.
AnglePlay Templates, patterns and kits
RE-STOCKED and added
Ruler Magic
Fabrics are Island Batik - Blue Ridge Mountain collection shipping now. I did not order the fabric collection, but the pattern is super fun and you could use your own fabrics. I can't wait to see how you interpret this design. Please be sure to tag us on any that you make.
Several new products have arrived in the shop...come check them out! Due to space limitations, yardage for my newest kits are being stored off-site. Kits are in the shop and if you'd like extra yardage or especially want yardage from those particular kitted fabrics, please order from my website or realize we'll be making visit to another location a short distance away in order to cut the fabric. Thanks for understanding.

Floral Flourish Double Sparkle Midnight Garden
1 left of Floral Flourish!
Sew-in: June 6, 13, 20, and 27 (or until it gets too hot) - pls RSVP
Closed June 8, 16 and 29.
RETREAT --thought I was full? I was...but I've got BIG NEWS:

We've got more space --- Elaine Shaw of Highland Quilts in Athena, OR has decided to host in the larger room (Maple Auditorium --not shown in these pics) at Camp MiVoden October 17-21 --same time as my retreat! So....if you've been considering this opportunity to 'retreat' ...there is now more room and we'd love for you to join us. Both of us will likely have some sort of pop up shops and be available to answer questions etc. This means breakfast and dinner will be provided-----if we get at least 30 people in total. I've currently got 18 confirmed. If you are interested please let me know. If you're on my list and would rather be a little less 'tight' on space're welcome to move to the big room and invite some more friends too. The pricing will be the same for both retreats.
Dormitory style rooms w/shared bathroom --bring your own linens. $260 (linens available upon request for an additional fee).
I look forward to seeing you or shipping a package to you soon!
NEW MINKY (60" wide)
A beautiful 'natural' and a royal eggplant.
NEW MODA: (link to all MODA)
Twinkle, To the Sea, and Bonheur de Jour pre-cuts (more than just shown here). Click on each to see all available products in the collection.
Grunge Jelly Roll - 50 unique strips --available here only! $49.99
Have you seen our licensed sports fabrics? I've added Seattle Mariners.

A new to the shop manufacturer of Batiks - Banyan Batiks is part of the Northcott Family. I'm offering these as a special during June for $11.65/yd. No code needed. Just click on each fabric to go to the online shop to order.
Typically you won't find a 'stripe' type repeat in a batik, but these just jumped out at me and I had to bring them in. So many possibilities!

Also this Bouncing Balls motif in gorgeous rich pinks and reds ...and a natural. There is a 'worm trails' (that's what I'm calling it!) motif as well.

Lots of new Island Batik Strip Sets. Check them out here!
Check out all the new Kimberbell designs and supplies. There are two pages of products now!
One Spring Showers kit left -- includes Design CD, Embellishments, Fabric for top and backing. $200 special for entire bundle - reply to this email to get the offer.
Good only while supplies last.
Gifts for the quilter who has everything or might just love one of these themed books.
The Inspired by Elvis book includes one of my own quilts!
Quilts of Valor includes 16 patterns and a 50 state quilt salute.