For many years, we've drempt of having a larger shop. I'm so excited to share with you that I've purchased a building just up the street and will be working hard this month on renovations. This will allow me to combine the classroom space, long arm space, retail space all into one with room to see all the bolts, patterns, notions, tools and quilts for inspiration too! Watch for new details on when we will move and have a grand opening!

Mean-time ....I'm still open for business--Appointments preferred.
If you have not responded about the Oct '21 retreat ...PLEASE DO SO ASAP! OCTOBER 2021 RETREAT - SIGN-UPS NOW AVAILABLE - JUST EMAIL ME FOR NOW. I need to figure out based on interest level how to manage the meal complication that the camp has put on us (require 30 attendees or pay the difference or do your own meals) We've decided to stay with a limit of 15 for our room. I'd like to not cook myself, so it will likely cost more than last year--if you know anyone who would love to just cook our Breakfast and Dinners ....please have them get in touch with me ASAP.
I'm considering a separate room for machine embroiderers at retreat --so really a separate event, but we can share a chef! Interested in this?? Please let me know.
****Now a Kimberbell Shop**** Everything Machine Embroidery!
 Stop in and discuss what type of projects you enjoy working on and would like to see me carry. I've got a new 'welcome home' kit available.
What is your favorite stabilizer?
U.S. Tour of all 50 states is still happening. Direct links for all blocks released to date have been updated on my original announcement blog post. Are you making these?
We're up to week 44 already ...still time to collect them all before the tour ends.
Still in Phase 3 here in Grant County, WA. All that means is that we're at 50% capacity indoors. Given the current size of the shop, that doesn't really change much (HA!). Appointments are still welcomed and ordering online for curbside pickup or shipping continues as needed. Orders totalling $75 or more ship free.