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2019 - 09/10 - 4 Retreat Spots Still Open

EXTRA EXTENSION - Last Chance to sign-up for Retreat

I'm extending the sign-up through October 11 or until 4 people have signed up, whichever is first!

City Windows 

Hayden Lake     MiVoden Fall
Considering a retreat? Plan now for four days in October on Hayden Lake. Deadline for registration is EXTENDED. As I will be out of the country Sept 29-Oct. 15, I am hoping  to get everything organized before I leave, but we need 4 more people to make this work.

Marlene Oddie | KISSed Quilts | ph 509.386.5715 |

Store Hours
      • Best by Appointment
      • *Closed Saturday
      • Holiday Day
        Hours May Vary.
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